Empowering Women in Construction: A Reflective Afternoon Tea


In an inspiring display of solidarity and empowerment, Sphere Solutions, in collaboration with BAM Construction and Chwarae Teg, recently hosted an unforgettable afternoon tea event at their Cardiff headquarters on Tuesday, 8th March 2022. Bringing together 40 remarkable women from diverse backgrounds within the construction and charity sectors, this gathering served as a platform to discuss the challenges women face and celebrate their successes in male-dominated industries. The event featured Jess Morgan from BAM, who shed light on the eye-opening statistics from Chwarae Teg’s “State of the Nation Report 2022.” A highlight of the occasion was the motivational speech by guest speaker Charlotte Wathan, who shared her journey and resilience while navigating a male-dominated field – sports. The event left attendees with a renewed determination to break barriers, challenge stereotypes, and foster a more inclusive society.

Breaking Down the Statistics:

Jess Morgan from BAM set the tone for the afternoon by presenting key insights from Chwarae Teg’s “State of the Nation Report 2022.” The statistics revealed some disheartening realities about the challenges faced by women in various industries, including construction. The figures acted as a wake-up call for the attendees, driving home the significance of empowering women and promoting gender equality in the workplace.

Charlotte Wathan’s Inspiring Journey:

The event’s highlight was undoubtedly the presence of Charlotte Wathan, whose journey through a male-dominated industry, sports, resonated with many in the room. As she candidly shared her experiences and encounters with discouraging comments from male colleagues, a sense of unity filled the air. Attendees found solace in the fact that they were not alone in their struggles and were deeply inspired by Charlotte’s perseverance and determination. Her speech ignited a fire within each attendee, encouraging them to shatter glass ceilings, embrace resilience, and refuse to accept anything less than what they deserved.

A Resounding Agreement and Call for Action:

Throughout Charlotte’s speech, nods of agreement filled the room, underscoring the shared experiences and challenges faced by women in their respective industries. The event served as a much-needed gathering, especially after the long hiatus caused by the pandemic. Attendees unanimously expressed that such empowering occasions should not be limited to International Women’s Day (IWD). Instead, they vowed to organize more frequent events to build on the momentum generated on this special day.

Looking Ahead:

The resounding success of the afternoon tea event has inspired the organizers to plan further gatherings throughout the year. These events will serve as opportunities to nurture the strong network formed during the gathering, foster mentorship relationships, and promote the advancement of women in the construction and charity sectors. The overarching goal is to continue strengthening the positions of women in society, breaking down barriers, and creating a more inclusive and supportive environment for all.


The Sphere Solutions’ afternoon tea event, in partnership with BAM Construction and Chwarae Teg, was a resounding success, leaving a lasting impact on all attendees. The gathering brought together women from diverse industries, united by the shared experiences of facing challenges in male-dominated workplaces. With the motivating speech by Charlotte Wathan and the eye-opening statistics shared by Jess Morgan, the event ignited a spark within each participant, propelling them to pursue their goals with unwavering determination. As they reflected on the afternoon’s discussions, they were reminded of the power of unity and support among women. With plans for future events and endeavours, these women are determined to continue their journey towards empowerment, ensuring that their voices are heard, their accomplishments recognized, and their roles in society strengthened. Together, they are paving the way for a brighter, more inclusive future for women in all sectors.

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